韩国伦理片《爱情导师》讲述Inexperienced adult novelist dreams of romantic love Jena aspiring writers to work in a cafe and pensions spare time writes. Chance to work their pensions to meet in a cafe and a role model Waxing Waxing tanked his way to hold onto and stick to the passerby Waxing and fertilization significantly hurt the hand. Jena is trying to protect his injured Waxing for the novel manuscript typing work from cleaning to help the best. One day, he sees Waxing is the novel’s unfinished novel Jena.浪漫成人小说家梦的恋爱没有经验的作家志愿者耶的粉丝sean咖啡厅工作,抽空写文章。偶然自己的粉丝sean咖啡厅范本相贤见面,表示祝贺,尹相炫醉酒的途中,路过的行人和是非,相贤虽然手严重受伤。保护自己的例子,但为了相贤受伤的打字原告小说开始清扫尽全力日为止。突然有一天,尹相炫古往今来的绝笔小说...。影片由Seo Ri Seur,Im So Mi,Eom Ji Man,Yu Jae Geun等主演。